Advice for newbie

Založil v kategórii Investovanie, 22 Oct. 2016 13:51

Hi everybody, I am new to Zltymelon and am considering to invest in cash-free loans. I would want Slovakian loans only as I am in the Eurozone. Any tips, advice or experiences from other investors is highly appreciated. Thank you.

24 Oct. 2016 10:30
Cashfree loans are more safe and include the preminum. There is this developers guarantee and as far as I know there in no default on them yet. I invest to standard but also cashfree.


21 Nov. 2016 16:32
Yellow everybuddy, iz dis for big american investors twoo? Donald Trump including? Dirty moneyz from drug trafficing also welcome?

2016-10-24 10:30:41, InvestBA
Cashfree loans are more safe and include the preminum. There is this developers guarantee and as far as I know there in no default on them yet. I invest to standard but also cashfree. Cashfree loans are more safe and include the preminum. There is this developers guarantee and as far as I know there in no default on them yet. I invest to standard but also cashfree.

28 Dec. 2016 23:49
Thank you Investba. I started a small test portfolio of cash-free loans and will see how that develops. Happy New Year!


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